Customers can select full service or partial service for UniSoft Imaging/CASJ photostat and microfilm conversion. With full service, all documents are scanned, processed, and ready for indexing onto your system. With partial services, the customer may select to do parts of the process such as scanning or image processing.
UniSoft Imaging/CASJ
Photostat and Microfilm Conversion
Software and Services

UniSoft Imaging and CASJ, Inc have developed an exclusive process to preserve old records. We can digitally scan your original books in your office, then using our unique programs; we can convert them to CD, DVD, Microfilm, Microfiche or Printed Books. Your pages can be saved as either grayscale and/or black and white images. Our process will allow you to import your cleaned up images into your current indexing/imaging system. CASJ can perform this process as a complete service, or we will provide the product to you and you can do the scanning, conversion and quality control using your own equipment and personnel.
The standard Photostat conversion process includes scanning documents, converting documents, and quality control and review. When converting Microfilm or Aperture Cards, a microfilm or aperture card scanner can output grayscale images in JPEG format. Then the same conversion and quality control programs used for Photostats can be used to process the images to black and white format.


The CASJ scanning program allows the user to scan documents and review every document as it is scanned. The user can select the following settings:
- Document Size in 10th an inch. Documents can vary from 4 to 12 inches in width and up to 24 inches in length.
- Grayscale or black and white scanning.
- Directory to store all the images.
- Resolution: 200, 300, 400, or 600. Usually 300 dpi is acceptable.
- JPEG image quality of 85 or more (gives best final image quality). This is sometimes listed as highest JPEG Image Quality.
- Simplex or Duplex scanning. This sometimes depends on the scanner.
- Automatic Documents Feeder or Flatbed scanning.
CASJ recommends the following scanners for Photostat processing:
- Fujitsu 6670C
- Fujitsu 6770C
- Fujitsu 5650C
- Fujitsu 5750C
- Canon DR-3080
- Panasonic 6055W
- Panasonic 3055W
- Fujitsu TWAIN Scanner
Many customers use very high resolutions cameras and take high quality pictures of each page in a book instead of breaking the books apart. We can help with this process or find someone to assist with scanning. if necessary, depending on volume and your specific requirements.

Processing Costs
- Conversion/Editing Software is five cents per page for 100,000 or less pages. After the first 100,000 pages, the price drops to 3 cents per page, and customers with higher volumes can get lower rates. CASJ/UniSoft Imaging normally trains your personnel on using the software and we normally only charge reasonable expenses for this site visit.
- Conversion/Editing Services is twenty-five cents per page for normal quality Photostats which should be processed at around 100 pages per hour. Additional editing service for difficult images is normally an additional 50 dollars per hour when required. We are very willing to sample your books and quote for doing the complete job.